Our Students Are as Smart as They Look
DLINC enjoys a very socioeconomically diverse student population. School uniforms help teach students to dress well, take pride in their appearance, and feel part of their school community. For these reasons, students wear basic uniforms of khaki and navy blue attire.
Our uniform policy allows students to relax and focus on learning, leaving the affective filter low.
Navy blue, white or grey polo style shirts with collars. Please make sure that the blue is navy. Clothes with patterns and prints are prohibited.
Navy blue or khaki pants, shorts, skirts or jumpers. Please make sure that the blue is navy and there are no grey pants, shorts, skirts or jumpers. Clothes with patterns or prints in these colors are prohibited.
This year we are requesting that leggings and stretch pants only be worn under skirts or jumpers; additionally, leggings must be navy blue, black, gray or white.
Closed-toe shoes without heels are requird. For the safety of the children, please remember that all shoes must be as flat as possible. Kindergarten children require shoes that they can manage themselves (e.g. shoes with zippers, Velcro, or buckle closures). Shoes with wheels, high heels, platforms, or similar are prohibited.
Socks or tights must be worn.
We request that hoodies or any outerwear that a student wishes to wear while in the classroom be navy blue and logo-free.
On Fridays, students are permitted to wear their class T-shirt or a DLINC T-shirt with their khaki or navy shorts, pants skirts or dresses. Denim is prohibited.
When at school, children’s clothing, backpacks, lunch baskets/boxes, and other accessories should not display references to drugs or alcohol; messages of racism, sexism, bigotry, intolerance, and/or violence; slogans; and inappropriate language.
Dress should be conducive to the work and activities of school and should be weather appropriate.
Hats are encouraged when worn outside for the purpose of protection from sunburns or cold.
Perfumes and make-up are prohibited for students in grades K-5.
Children should wear shorts or leggings under jumpers or skirts at all times.