Prospective DLINC Board Members
Thank you for your interest in becoming a Board member at DLINC. Below is an overview of the Board, its roles and responsibilities, and below please find a copy of the Bylaws, Charter Petition and the Board application.
Prospective board members will be interviewed during the next board meeting, and board member selections will be made as soon as possible. Should you have any questions please contact David Nelson, DLINC Board Chair, at dnelson@dlinorthcounty.org.
School Mission
The Dual Language Immersion North County charter school is a united community which prepares its students for the future with bilingual instruction for second language acquisition in English or Spanish; as well as respect for themselves, others, and the environment.
DLINC Board of Directors
The DLINC Board of Directors is a self-perpetuating Board, comprised of five to seven members including parent members and members of the broader community. A Board term is two years. The Board’s role is to provide academic, fiscal, and legal oversight as it upholds the school’s mission and vision. The Board is responsible for hiring and evaluating the Principal’s performance on an annual basis. The Board of Directors meets ten to twelve times annually, once a month.
DLINCBoard Member Roles
Work collaboratively to ensure the mission and vision of the school;
Maintain high ethical standards in their oversight of the school;
Have substantive knowledge or skills in areas complementary to the needs of the Board and share these skills to accomplish the school’s goals and priorities;
Attend board meetings;
Have substantial working knowledge of the charter petition and the relationship between the charter school, the San Diego County Office of Education (our charter authorizer), and the California Department of Education.
DLI NC Board Member Responsibilities
Oversee fiscal health, academic success, legal matters and regulations related to DLINC;
Prepare for, attend, and participate in all Board meetings, including a semi-annual Board retreat;
All Board members will comply with the Brown Act;
All Board members must complete a Form 700.
DLINC Prospective Board Member Application
DLINC Prospective Board Member Application (pdf print)