Building a Foundation for Learning
Elementary Students who learn a second language show positive academic gains, enhanced creativity, and strong interpersonal skills
Our kindergartners receive 90 percent of their instruction in Spanish with 10 percent in English. First graders receive an 80 to 20 Spanish to English ratio; second graders a 70 to 30 ratio; and students in grades 3-8 receive a 50 to 50 Spanish to English ratio of instruction.
Our student body consists of both heritage Spanish speakers (about 30 percent) and heritage English speakers (about 70 percent). The gap between these two groups closes just a bit each year, which is illustrative of a renewed appreciation and sense of value of bilingualism.
Students work under direct instruction, in small groups, and independently. In grades TK-2, students receive instruction in language arts and math in Spanish, as well as science and social studies in English. Once students enter third grade, they are ready to take state tests in English language arts and math. All areas of study are aligned with the Common Core standard.
[1] The Social and Academic Benefits of Second-Language Learning at the Elementary Level, by Joey Lynn Selling, 12/2/2011