School Spirit is Strong at DLINC
We bring our community together often, including parents, caregivers, teachers, staff, and community members, to celebrate with annual traditions like Ice Cream Social, Bingo Night, Spirit Week and more. Many volunteers help to make these events happen, and they are a great way for us to reunite with graduates and celebrate our community. Parents and caregivers are involved as classroom volunteers, attendees at family math and literacy nights, and are welcome to join our active Parent Teacher Organization. Commitment to our community is paramount at DLINC, and school spirit is always strong!
Dual Language Immersion North County also has an official online spirit wear store! Choose from a large variety of designs and garments that are delivered straight to your home. 10% of sales will go to the DLINC PTO general funds to help support student field trips, teacher stipends and materials, teacher appreciation events, student assemblies, plus much more!